
I just tried to update my kernel from 2.0.36 to 2.2.14. Compiling,
mpkg and dpkg worked fine, but when I try to boot the new kernel it
always claims that it can't locate some modules. The funny thing is,
that he misses modules (like 3c59x for my network adapter) which I
have definitly NOT compiled as a module! Even if I compile the kernel
without modules at all, the same story happens. After installation of
the kernel there exists a /lib/modules/2.2.14/ directory with the
modules I want in it. Can anyone help me to solve this problem, I have
really no ideas what to do anymore.

Thanks a lot in advance.

       /   Michael Symalla        (Uni-Dortmund Physik E5)     \
       /   DESY HERA-B Bldg.66/1  office phone:  040/8998 4985 \
       /   Notkestr.85            Fax.:          040/8998 4033 \
       /   D-22607 Hamburg        private phone: 040/5000857   \
       /  PGP Key on keyservers or via mail: Subject: send pgp \
c:\winnt> secure_nt.exe
  Securing NT.  Insert Linux boot disk to continue...

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