On Thu, Feb 17, 2000 at 02:23:40AM +0000, Sean Johnson generated a stream of 1s 
and 0s:
> >If you'll just be playing 3D games go with a 3dfx card. I know visual 
> >quality sucks, but at >least your games will be playable. 
> I've found the Voodoo3 to have excellent 2D visual quality, and very
> good 3D visual quality. I chose it over the other options because I have
> an older machine that does not have an AGP slot.
> Sean

Call me picky, but Voodoo3 doesn't do 32 bit rendering, has support for
very small textures only, no AGP texturing (this is probably totally irrelevant 
for Linux). Sure all of this probably doesn't
matter for Linux since QA3 is a straight gibber game, haven't seen UT on
Linux. Does UT allow 32 bit rendering in Linux/nice textures?
I think when DRI will be out all of the 'cool' features of cards like
nVidia TNT 2/GeForce 3D Labs Permedia3 will come into play (maybe).
<Sigh>, it will take time though. As I said, if one wants their games to
be playable, then Voodoo2/3 are probably their only choices for Linux.
nVidia support is not there yet, Matrox is darn slow/limited support last time I
checked. Can't wait for DRI. BTW has anyone tried Kingpin? Very cool.

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