I have repackaged TkMan. It is an unofficial package for woody (unstable).

TkMan is a graphical, hypertext manual page and Texinfo browser for UNIX.
More information about TkMan is at http.cs.berkeley.edu/~phelps/tcltk/.
It used to be in the non-free/doc section but has been orphaned by its 
previous maintainer.

deb + dsc can be found under ftp.linux.org.il/pub/local-dev/shaulk.

Any suggestions, requests and problem reports are welcomed.

Source: tkman
Section: non-free/doc
Priority: optional
Maintainer: (unofficial) Shaul Karl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Standards-Version: 3.0.1

Package: tkman
Architecture: all
Depends: tk8.0 (>= 8.0.5-6), rman (>= 3.0.8-1), man
Suggests: doc-rfc, ldap-rfc, lpr | lprng, manpages, manpages-dev
Provides: man-browser
Description: A graphical, hypertext manual page and Texinfo browser
 TkMan is a graphical, hypertext manual page and Texinfo browser for
 UNIX.  TkMan boasts hypertext links, (optional) outline view of pages
 with a novel information visualization mechanism called Notemarks,
 high quality display and unique interface to Texinfo documents, full
 text search among man pages, incremental and regular expression search
 within pages, robust yellow highlight annotations, a shortcut/hot
 list, lists of all pages in user configurable volumes, a comprehensive
 Preferences panel, man page versioning support, and unmatched online
 text formatting and display quality, among many other features.
Shaul Karl                                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        An elephant is a mouse with an operating system.

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