Keith wrote:
> I have seen several postings on this list about your problem, but never
> any response when asked (by John Hasler) for details.  Maybe you go
> offline with "gurus" with your problem, but I suspect you'd be better
> served, if you are sincerely interested in getting Debian to do this, if
> you persisted with the list and offered us some details like: logs; type
> of modem; dialup strings that Debian (and Corel) are using.  And what's
> your provider; maybe someone else has that one and knows the pitfalls. 
> Hit-and-run won't get it; it only frustrates everybody.

Well, I am sincere about wanting Debian to do the job for me. You are
correct that some folks, including John Hasler, asked me for details
privately. I agree that it would be better to do the whole thing on
the list in case others have suggestions or have similar problems that
can be solved by the interchange.

I reported what I had seen in my earlier messages (pon does nothing
and says nothing; wvdial seems to log on OK, but then dies with an
Error #1). I had run pppconfig. But you've mentioned some information
above that I did not supply, and I'll try to provide that in a later

> I noticed that under Debian you used wvdial.  I've never used that; only
> pppconfig and pon.  That should do a perfectly good chat script for
> you.  Have you considered starting afresh and getting wvdial out of the
> act?

Sure, I'm open to anything. The attraction of wvdial was that it
provides a running report of what it's doing, so I thought it would be
better for diagosis. wvdial has worked well under Corel Linux, too.

I'll report back on the modem strings... well, if they're different,
I'll change Debian's so that it's the same as Corel's.

Lane Lester / Madison County, Georgia USA

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