At 17:53 22/02/00 +0000, Oleg Krivosheev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Related question: to my surprise i did not found example rules
> in ipmasq package for what i think is the most common case: ethernet
> 192.168.0.x network connected to outside world via PPP with static IP.

Could someone tell/send me this rules?

I've only just set up IP masquerading myself. Take a look at
<> where you can fill in a script that does
everything for you including a basic firewall.

The only thing you need to add to the script is...

echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

... at the top (and change InternalNetwork to something like Run it after the PPP link is up and you're away!

Just don't do anything stupid like forget to delete the default gateway on
the actual gateway. (not that I'm guilty of actually doing that, you

Incidentally, why is the Debian package of mserver[1] (MasqDialer) so
awkward? Where were the docs? /etc/mserver.conf was totally wrong - I ended
up installing from source. It does work wonderfully well, though - I'd
recommend it for those with an inet gateway - there's a lovely traffic view
in the client (available for Windows, Mac, Linux, etc, etc; get
<> for the Windows client).
If anyone wants the config file for mserver then just ask.

HTH, etc,

[1] <>

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