On Tue, 22 Feb 2000, Ron Rademaker wrote:

>=The problem is that there is this server that is being used for
>=(main tasks) : gateway, dns-server and samba.
>=The gateway calls using ISDN (which works fine), but keeps calling and
>=calling when it shouldn't...

The first I start thinking is DNS queries.
Have you disallow them in you diald configuration ?
By the way you never mentioned which application is configured
to dial out.

>=This is what tcpdump -i ippp0 gives:
>=ag 0:[EMAIL PROTECTED]) [tos 0xa2] [ttl 0]
>=15:04:58.941020 www.icq.com.www >

Hey, have you also and ICQ client somewhere on your network ???
Again you can reject his requests for bringing line up with diald.

Please do not send large trace to mailing list - only if requested 
directly to person. What is your diald config looks like ?

Pavel Epifanov.


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