On Tue, 22 Feb 2000, Karl M Yerkes wrote:

kmyerk >I add a user blah. blah works fine, can login, etc. . .then, after some 
time (minutes, hours, days) blah gets this error:
kmyerk >
kmyerk >cannot execute /bin/bash: Permission denied
kmyerk >
kmyerk >Permissions on /bin/bash are 755. Has anyone had this problem? What 
kmyerk >I do? Please, help. Send to [EMAIL PROTECTED] --Thanks in advance.

you using the same kerenl? do you have any other users(non root) that have
this problem? once when i attempted to install a more "secure" kernel this
happened to me, i had to call up someone at the servers and have them
downgrade the kernel.

also check permissions on /bin make sure 'blah' has access to it.


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