> > FWIW, here is the relevant line...
> >=20
> > /dev/md0     /tmp      ext2    defaults       0 2
> thats ok, but i would mount it defaults,nosuid for extra security. (it
> depends on how you partitioned if /var and /tmp and /home are there
> own partitions you should be able to mount them all nosuid)

1) extra security?
[03:11:45 /tmp]$ man 8 mount | grep -A1 -B3 suid
              nosuid Do not  allow  set-user-identifier  or  set-
                     group-identifier  bits to take effect. (This
                     seems safe, but is in fact rather unsafe  if
                     you have suidperl(1) installed.)

[03:11:55 /tmp]$ 

2) Is set-group-identifier the same s that I got for my home dir?
[03:14:03 /tmp]$ ls -ld ~
drwxr-sr-x   27 shaul    shaul        2048 Feb 25 03:09 /home/shaul
[03:14:05 /tmp]$ 

Shaul Karl                                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        An elephant is a mouse with an operating system.

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