On Sat, Feb 26, 2000 at 02:56:08PM -0600, Brad wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 25, 2000 at 04:29:27PM -0500, Mike Werner wrote:
> > 
> > I had the same problem a couple of times.  What I found to work
> > was:
> > 1) Drop to a shell, exiting X completely
> > 2) Run update-menus as root
> > 3) Run update-menus as your regular user
> Note that this step will mean that you have to run update-menus as your
> user every time new packages are installed, the automatic mechanism
> won't work for that user anymore.

Urk.  So *that's* what happened.  I was wondering about that.

> The normal configuration refers to global files that are updated when
> the package postinst runs update-menus (as root). Running update-menus
> as the user creates these files in the user's directory, so the global
> ones aren't used anymore.

How can I fix that now that I've screwed it up?  I've looked around
in my home directory and the only menu file I can find is a file
for a menu entry that is specific to this specific username.  And
it was because of that particular entry that I started doing the
update-menus as a user.  But I use that package so rarely that I can
do without the menu entry. (It was a /net install of Star Office)
Mike Werner  KA8YSD           |  "Where do you want to go today?"
ICQ# 12934898                 |  "As far from Redmond as possible!"
'91 GS500E                    |
Morgantown WV                 |  Only dead fish go with the flow.

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