On Tue, 29 Feb 2000, |{.f|. wrote:

ke_an >How to resolve this VP_IDE: not 100% native mode: will probe irqa later?
ke_an >That is VP_IDE?
ke_an >
ke_an >another problem is that I get error
ke_an >SCIOADDRT at booting time, while with 
ke_an >2.0.36 kernel everything was ok.

the first is a very normal message, comes on systems that use VIA
chipsets(as far as i've seen) it is not an error. i build quite a few MVP3
based linux boxes and all give the same message, never had a problem on

the second is also normal, most likely the system is trying to add a route
after brining up the interface for the ethernet card.  in 2.0 this had to
be done manually, in 2.2 this is automatic so it spits out an error
because that route already exists.  its normal, if you plan on going back
to 2.0 for whatever reason i suggest keeping that setup as the
error/warning is harmless(from what ive experienced)


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