On Tue, Feb 29, 2000 at 12:07:04AM -0500, John Dalbec wrote:
> How do I get help to work in GIMP?  I've already installed libgtkxmhtml1.
> The message says "it probably was not compiled because you don't have
> GtkXmHtml installed."  Do I need to install something else?
> I'm using KDE.  Does GIMP require GNOME?
> Also, why don't my printers show up in the Print dialog box?
> I can print fine using magicfilter, and I can print from GIMP to a file
> and then lpr the file, but I'd like to print directly from GIMP to the
> printer.  Someone I know has GIMP installed under SuSE and all his printers
> showed up automatically.  Should I wipe Debian and install SuSE instead?
> John
> P.S. The nearest LUG is an hour's drive away.  Please help!  Thanks.

I think the help is broken with the "unstable GIMP1.1" in Potato. I see
the same.  Install the gimp-manual -- doesn't cover the new stuff, but
it's all good.

Can't help you with the lpr thingy.

| Eric G. Miller                        egm2@jps.net |
| GnuPG public key: http://www.jps.net/egm2/gpg.asc  |

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