the problem was with a 2.2.10 kernel running on our router and an updte
there did fiks it.

 |This may or may not have any bearing.... I seldom need to ftp into my work 
box from
 |home, but a couple of weeks ago I tried and got a segmentation fault. Having 
 |upgraded Proftpd on my work box, I assumed the problem was there. Not being 
 |priority for me, I put it on the back burner.
 |A couple of nights ago I was at a friends and needed to ftp to my work box 
from her
 |Win98 box. Not even thinking I just ftp'd in and did what I needed. It was 
later that
 |I remembered that my work box supposedly had a(n) ftp problem, so I tried 
again to
 |ftp in from my home Debian box. Again, it segfaulted. So I did an "apt-get 
 |and then "apt-get install -reinstall ftp" and that solved the problem. I'm 
 |pointing to potato.

Nicht die Wolken sind schaefchengewoelkt sondern die Gehirne. - 00001 11000 11111 00011 00111 11100 000 000  

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