I just bought a book, Debian unleashed and want to set up Debian on my
computer. I went out and bought a new harddrive, 13 gig and am
experiencing lots of problems. Help! Please!
Machine: HP VL-6 Series7, 64 meg ram, 13 gig (new) Maxtor hd, Cirrus
Logic 5465 Video Adapter, Aztech Sound card,current OS is RH 6.1
NIC card 3com 10/100 PCI Model # 3C905C-TX-M
Cable Modem connecting to Cox cable on DHCP

Problem 1: When I try to install Debian 2.1 from the CD, it doesn't
allow me to install the module for my NIC card. It says; driver is 'busy
or not available or not functioning(?verbage). It does allow me to
install a driver based on Ethernet 8390. Will this work?

Problem 2: When I try to set up any OS to boot from the hard disk,
(redhat 6.1, mandrake 7.0, debian) it doesn't work. I assume the bios or
? isn't allowing LILO to be written to the MBR. I can live with booting
from a floppy, after all, Linux *stays up*, right? But it would be nice
to be able to boot from the hard drive.

Am I better off, considering I'm pretty new to Linux and not very
knowledgable with computers, to install from the CD, or do a network
install. Someone has suggested I can save the kernel from Redhat and
build a Debian system on that. Sounds pretty complicated, though.

Thanks for your time and help

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