From: Eric Hanchrow [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >>>>> "Paul" == Moore, Paul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>     Paul> 1. The box cannot "see" these netbios names for other
>     Paul> machines on the LAN.  I can ping machines with static IP
>     Paul> addresses by name, as (I guess) the names are resolved via
>     Paul> DNS.  I can also ping dynamic IP machines via their
>     Paul> DHCPPC-names.  But I can't ping using the netbios name
>     Paul> (which I guess is resolved via the WINS server)
> That's as I would expect.  In order for you to use NetBIOS names,
> you'd have to somehow tell your Linux box to use WINS for name
> resolution.  But as far as I know, Linux *in general* doesn't know how
> to do that.  (smbclient, however, does know how.)  Right now I think
> Linux only knows how to use DNS and /etc/hosts for host name
> resolution.

I've just done some further browsing, and have found some docs on
nsswitch.conf - which seems to allow for user-supplied resolution methods.
So I guess the question is whether such a method exists which dows NetBIOS


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