On Wed, Mar 01, 2000 at 04:05:24AM -0500, Arcady Genkin wrote:
> Under potato, I've installed xfs-xtt.
> Are there any stock means to create fonts.dir in a directory with ttf
> fonts? The documentation that comes with xfs-xtt says nothing of this.

There's supposed to be a mkttfdir in a deb package somewhere ....
The documentation for xfs-xtt is ... well, I consider it a challenge

> I tried getting mkttfdir, which is part of perlftlib-1.2.tar.gz,
> available from http://www.io.com/~kazushi/xtt/#perlftlib, but it won't
> compile... and mkttfdir.pl doesn't work, saying mkttfdir.pl doesn't
> exist. ;^(

It compiles fine if you edit one include statement.  The debian
package installs the freetype.h file in /usr/include/freetype instead
of /usr/include, so change "#include <freetype.h>" to "#include
mkttfdir.pl won't work until you compile the package since mkttfdir
uses FreeType Wrapper.

However, the "not found" message is easier than that ... take a look
at the first line of the script.  I'll bet it says "/usr/local/bin/perl"
rather than "/usr/bin/perl".  Unless you've created a
"/usr/local/bin/perl" link that script isn't going to work.

I found that I had to use the "-e" option to force ISO8859-1 encoding
for many of the fonts I pulled off one of those bigass font CDs.

> Another question: Once I create fonts.dir, are there any other steps
> to configure the font server to use the ttf fonts?

You need to restart xfs-xtt.  If it's currently serving fonts via TCP
this may piss off any connected remote X servers.  It will definitely
piss off the local X server, especially if the local server is using a
domain socket.  I actally got my machine to hard boot once :(

I use login.app, so whenever I add a raft of fonts I shutdown X with
"init 2" from a console, restart xfs-xtt, and restart X with "init 3".
Obviously there are other ways to restart X :)

Hope this helps!

Nathan Norman         "Eschew Obfuscation"          Network Engineer
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