> On Wed, Mar 01, 2000 at 07:05:04PM -0500, Allan M. Wind wrote:
> > On 2000-03-01 23:42:21, Mary Honeycutt wrote:
> > 
> > > I bought a larger hard-drive for my potato box and want
> > > to transfer my system to it (preserving permissions, 
> > > symlinks, etc).
> > 

There used to be a very helpful Hard Disk Upgrade mini-HOWTO on the LDP which 
I could not find. But you might want to look at http://www.cs.huji.ac.il/suppor
t/Linux/LDP/. Here the fact that it was not updated for almost half a year is 
a feature.

> > partition (cfdisk, fdisk) the drive, format (mkfs) and mount the new
> > drive.
> > 
> > tar cf top_level_dirs; (cd /new_drive_monut_point; tar xpf -)
> I believe you'll have to pipe the output of the first tar to the second
> process:
>     tar cf - source  | ( cd /target; tar xpf - )
> > Probably need special provision for /dev (like cp -R) and you should
> > not copy /proc, lost+found.
> I typically move one mount point/partition at a time when moving to a
> new drive.
> There's a utility to recreate the lost+found directory if you do manage
> to overwrite it -- it needs to sit on a specific inode for the filesystem
> to be able to recover lost clusters properly.  RTFM, it's there somewhere.
> -- 
> Karsten M. Self (kmself@ix.netcom.com)
>     What part of "Gestalt" don't you understand?
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Shaul Karl                                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        An elephant is a mouse with an operating system.

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