On Fri, Mar 03, 2000 at 04:51:58PM -0800, flinkdeldinky wrote:
> I purchased a new 10 gig hard drive and Offical Debian 2.1r2.
> dev/hda is a single partition win98 fat32 drive
> I use this drive to boot into Win98 or via loadlin into Linux (redhat
> 6.0) on /dev/hdb
> However /dev/hdb has been replaced by a new 10 gig drive which I wish to
> install Debian on.
> I boot up Deb 2,1r2  cdrom and do the install up to the part were you
> create the disk partition.  But cfdisk can only see 8 gig of my /dev/hdb
> disk (it should see about 9.7 gig).  And it only goes to 1024
> cyclinders!
> I know that Linux can't boot unless the kernel is in the first 1024
> cylinders but I'm using Loadlin so big deal.
> The funny thing is that when the deb kernel boots it detects /dev/hdb at
> it's correct size!
> Is this version of fdisk obsolete
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When you boot up deb from the cdrom initially, you will have to give it
some parameters; something like 'linux hdb=1247,255,63'.  This is what I
have to type in for my 10.2Gb disk, but yours will probably be different.
The 'linux' is the name of the boot image on the cdrom (I don't remember
at the moment, but IIRC this is it), and the 1247,255,63 is the number
of cyls,heads,sectors on my HD (you will put yours in, of course).  

Naturally, you will later want to include an append line in lilo.conf to 
recognise the HD correctly on bootup (man lilo.conf).

Martin Hillyer
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He who hesitates is sometimes saved.

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