Hello..  I recently received a Debian 2.1 CD with the O Reilly Book "Learning Debian GNU/Linux"
Every time I try to boot and start the initial installation (either from the CDROM, or any of the boot images supplied, including tecra) I recieve the following error: NCR53c406a: No available ports found.  I never see the install program whatsoever.  The PC I'm installing to is an Athlon 600, FIC mboard/via chipset, 64 MB RAM, ALL IDE (0 SCSI).  The bootdisks I've been using from the CD are using the 2.2.12 kernel.  Once I get this error, the system completely hangs (I have to cold boot).  Looking on the CD, it seems to be installing slink.  Anyone seen/dealt with this problem before?  All I've been able to find is that NCR53c406a is for a SCSI card (of which I have none).  BTW, this problem hasn't occured with other distros, so hopefully it's something I can work around.  Thank you in advance!

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