Quoting Steve Winston ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> I need help with a color problem.
> In slink, when I try to use any graphics program, the overall
> colors of desktop change. In xpaint or Moonlight Creator, gray areas 
> turn to green or turquoise blue when I move the mouse from the 
> menu to the drawing areas. Also, when I try to use AbiWord, I get 
> a similar result: Colors changed all over the desktop to hot greens
> blues, pinks and reds. Any ideas anyone?
> This is an AMD k6-2 400 mmx, 128mb RAM. 
> Thanks in advance, steve

Each application is using its own colour map because they can each get
more colours that way. I use netscape -install for this reason. So it's
a feature, not a bug. It can be a bit surprising, particularly when you
use the Window Ops menu or the title bar which both belong to the window
manager, not the application.

If you have enough memory on your graphics card, you could run X
with more colour depth. I have to use 8bpp.


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