Quoting Brad ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> This is no longer true; Xsession no longer checks
> /etc/X11/window-managers at all. You've either not updated
> xfree86-common to the latest version, or didn't overwrite
> /etc/X11/Xsession when you did. I believe this change occurred in
> 3.3.6-4, but i could be mistaken.

You're absolutely right, I haven't updated. As I said:

    In the middle of February, I installed potato/frozen on a machine
    and it still uses /etc/X11/window-managers (which is a TEXT file)
    to decide which window manager to run.

I'm quite happy with 3.3.6-3 which works. It's a pathfinder for
sorting out any problems with running potato before I upgrade
my production machines. I won't bother moving from 3.3.6-3 until
I stop seeing frequent posts from people with screwed up
/etc/alternatives links. Sorry if I confused anybody who's got
confused links..


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