Quoting Dale Scheetz ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> This is "last resort" as I don't want to have to restart pine every time
> the link changes.

> Switching back and forth between the two ISPs, while not difficult is a
> bit obnoxious. It would be much nicer to have pine track the right server.
> Is there any kind of simple smtp transfer program that pine could be
> pointed at on the local machine that could be aware of the correct server
> to direct the mail to from a config file? Please don't tell me sendmail or
> qmail or some other gigantic full featured MTA. I guess I could duplicate
> pine's smtp interface with some added configuration capability...hmmm,
> wonder how hard it would be to modify pine directly, but the license makes
> such modification hard to promote... anyway, where would I find the needed
> time ;-)

Is there anything to prevent you running two instances of Pine, one
pointing to each ISP's server?


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