Hi all,

I have a card that plugs and plays with Win 95 but don't know how to
make it work in linux.  I've been trying for a few days now and
really am fed up of having to reboot into Win95 just to pick up
email and surf the net.

When I do cardctl ident or cardctl anything else I get:
open_sock(): Operation not supported by device

If I try to run /etc/pcmcia/network as root I get:
./shared: no such file or directory

This is the output of lsmod:
nls_iso8859_1      1            1 (autoclean)
nls_cp437          1            1 (autoclean)
xirc2ps_cs         3            0
ds                 2    [xirc2ps_cs]    2
i82365             5            2
pcmcia_core        9    [xirc2ps_cs ds i82365]  0
vfat               4            1
psaux              1            0
Module         Pages    Used by

If anyone could even point to where I've gone wrong, I'd be

Thanks in advance!

Patrick Kirk

Diplomacy is the art of saying "nice doggy" until you can find a rock.

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