rich wrote:
> total network newbie here,
> I recently acquired a 486dx-33 with 1.4gb hard drive that i want to use
> as an x-terminal to connect to my pentium-200 (which runs potato). Is
> potato appropriate for a 486? I have an old cd of bo that I thought
> would work on the 486, but would I be able to connect to the potato
> pentium?
> BTW, is it really even feasible to use a 486 to run X programs like
> wordperfect and Netscape off of my pentium?
> Thanks in advance,
> Rich
> --
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Hi there

I have a 486/100 running Slink with X and Netscape
smoothly. Be sure to have plenty RAM, though (I
have 64 Mb).
Can't really see any reason to run bo, which would
have a lot of dated stuff by now...

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