I use a proxy server to connect to the Internet since I have a private class B 
IP ( and am behind a firewall and that way the net I am on is 
configured. I have to use socks for passive ftp and telneting.
Recently the admin of www.linux.org.il, which is not found on the private net 
I am connected to and does have a full Internet IP ( has 
suggested that the 2 machines will be connected with ssh. However when I tried 
to connect I get:

[09:29:03 /tmp]$ socksify ssh -v www.linux.org.il
SSH Version OpenSSH-1.2.2, protocol version 1.5.
Compiled with SSL.
debug: Reading configuration data /etc/ssh/ssh_config
debug: Applying options for *
debug: ssh_connect: getuid 1000 geteuid 0 anon 0
debug: Connecting to www.linux.org.il [] port 22.
debug: Allocated local port 643.

And that is it. It keeps waiting and I had to ^C it.

The admin of the other machine says he can see in his logs attempts from my IP 
( at the times I claim I have tried to establish the ssh 
connection. He also says that contrary to his first suggestion, he now 
believes that we can not get connected with ssh because I do not have an 
Internet IP.

1) Are there ways for the 2 machines to get a ssh connection? Perhaps the 
configuration of the other machine is not appropriate for the situation I have 
described? Maybe a VPN or something similar will work?
2) Beside a full Internet IP are there things I could ask from the net admin 
of the private network I am on in order to get this ssh connection to work?

I believe that it is worth mentioning that I can successfully socksify telnet 
and successfully socksify passive ftp to the machine I want to establish the 
ssh connection with (www.linux.org.il).
Shaul Karl                                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        An elephant is a mouse with an operating system.

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