Brian May hat gesagt: // Brian May wrote:

> Is it possible to use the windows key as meta in XEmacs for text mode
> sessions? I don't like this inconsistency... Some combinations work,
> others don't. Tested:
> text mode console: alt --> meta
> gnome-terminal:    alt --> meta
> xterm:         windows --> meta

Yeah, this bothers me, too, since I dist-upgrade'd to potato. I'm not using
Emacs but I like the "yank-last-arg" command in the terminal, which is
Meta-. but now Meta is the Windows-Key. I'd like to have my Left-Alt back,
please, but how??
                                                 __    __
 Frank Barknecht       ____ ______   ____ __ trip\ \  / /wire ______
                      / __// __  /__/ __// // __  \ \/ /  __ \\  ___\   
                     / /  / ____/  / /  / // ____// /\ \\  ___\\____ \  
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                                                /_/    \_\ 

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