> if it's new enough, it would be not that bad - you surely have warranty,
> don't you?

Yes, Seagate's 3 year warranty!

> well - as now all seems to be normal, a hardware failure is a less
> probable possibility. i would make a check anyway ...

:) optimistical... problems never fade away without some intervention.
I sometimes get a very noisy start up from the disk (even before the
system is initialized);  that might be related :(

> as i don't have the foggiest notion of *bsd, i can't tell you if this
> could be a problem of any kind. i don't think so ...

The strange thing is that I don't have to give a -t <fs_type> option to
the 'mount' command:

 # mount /dev/wd0p /mnt

mounts the partition without asking for a fs type.

> not much surprising - this is the partition where most write operations
> are done.
> i have to manually fsck it after nearly every crash ...

Can I safely unmount /var and run 'fsck' on it?

> if everything seems to be ok now and no new problems arise, then you
> should not worry _too_ much. possibly you should check all the
> config-files in /var if anything seems to work not as expected.
> look, if you find something useful in lost+found - these are orphaned
> i-nodes, etc.
> a thread about undeletable files we had already some days ago. the point
> is, that these files have the ext2-attribute "immutable" (or something
> like that) set. you need the ext2-tools (no idea, how the package is
> named) to remove them.

mmh... should do something about those files, but don't have a clue of
what and how should be done.  I'll have a look at that thread.

> if the disaster was neither caused by hardware failure nor by external
> impact nor by crash, then a question arises (guess which ;-) ) ...
> which kernel are you using? i heard some ugly things about 2.2.13 ...

No, I'm pretty conservative in that respect.  I heared 2.2.10 was v.
good and stable, and since I don't need anything from 2.2.13 I stayed
with 2.2.10.

Thank you so much for your help.

Horacio                                 Anno MMDCCLIII aUC
 ~Spain ~Spanje ~Spanien
Key fingerprint = F4EE AE5E 2F01 0DB3 62F2  A9F4 AD31 7093 4233 7AE6

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