On Sun, Jan 26, 2003 at 08:43:31PM +0100, martin f krafft wrote:
| also sprach Derrick 'dman' Hudson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003.01.24.2244 +0100]:
| > /etc/postfix/sasl/smtpd.conf
| >     pwcheck_method: PAM
| If postfix is in a chroot, will that work?

Yes, if
    1)  the pam config file can be found
    2)  the pam module referenced can be found
    3)  any other resources the pam module needs can be found

Hmm, I just retested (a lot of things have happened since the last
time I thought about this) and pam_pwdfile.so (at least I didn't
retest pam_permit or pam_deny) doesn't work in the jail.  I suspect it
could be set up if the pam module and the password file were found in
the jail.

*Note*  Correction to my earlier post -- I did have smtpd in the
        chroot jail as I posted but auth failed in that case.
        Eliminating the jail solved that problem.

| What happened to saslauthd?

I thought that was overkill, for me at least.


Q: What is the difference betwee open-source and commercial software?
A: If you have a problem with commercial software you can call a phone
   number and they will tell you it might be solved in a future version.
   For open-source sofware there isn't a phone number to call, but you
   get the solution within a day.

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