On Sat, Mar 25, 2000 at 03:16:48PM -0800, Eric G . Miller wrote:
> On Sat, Mar 25, 2000 at 06:02:35PM -0500, Josh Kuperman wrote:
> > I have a Dell Dimension XPS 466, with 64M of RAM and two old SCSI
> > disks. I have tried downloading CD-images from ftp.eecs.umich.edu and
> > using the cd-image making program. After that failed I decided that
> > there was a problem with the images or my CD writer so I purchase the
> > current CDs for Slink from LinuxMall.

Perhaps I should have added that it has two disks. A small 240M hard
drive that I used as the boot device and a 13GB hard disk with the
other partitions.

> > 
> > In ALL cases, regardless of the source the outcome was the same. I
> > would created the floppy image from resc1440.bin with raw_write2. I
> > would start the process at the boot prompt with "linux
> > aha152x=0x340,11,7". I would go through installing and everything
> > would work until I got to the step "Install the base system". In all
> > cases this would end with the error message: "There was a problem
> > extracting the Base System from
> > /instmnt/debian/dists/slink/main/disk_i386/2.1.8-1999-02-22/base2_1.tgz 
> > I have no idea what is going on.
> I ran in to a similar problem installing Potato from floppies. It turned
> out I hadn't made my / partition large enough. Since you have two disks,
> make the root partition fairly large on one of the disks. It'll be easy
> enough to move the partitions around with cp, tar or cpio after you get
> the base system installed.

So the question is what are the minimum/maximum sizes for a
partition. I can't imaging 240M being too small for root. Is it? I had
a 3GB partition for /usr which I tried to set under 2G but the disk
partitioning software resulted in a larger than 2G when I set it to

> > The install program appears to have no trouble with the CD. I have
> > managed to install an old version previously (but I couldn't find
> > dhcpcd on the old hamm cd and I figured I'd be better off with the
> > current CD set anyhow.)
> > 
> > I have absolutely no ideas. If it couldn't access the CD or extract
> > files I should have had a problem long before I got to that step. All
> > the earlier initializations, installing the kernel and system modules
> > worked. (Is there a way to tell the install program to mount two CDs -
> > I have two CD drives on the SCSI chain - but that is another issue.)

Josh Kuperman                       

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