I (finally) seem to have a working connection via
IDSL.  It works fine under windows by just setting up
the IP, Gateway, Netmask, and DNS entries under the
tcp/ip pulldown under the networking configuration for
my network card.

IP 216.xxx.xxx.xxx
gateway 216.xxx.xxx.1
broadcast 216.xxx.xxx.255

  How do I do this under Potato?  I changed the
entries in /etc/networks/interfaces for my ethernet
card to match the ip, gateway, and netmask that worked
under windows, and the /etc/resolv.conf file I added
the lines:


which are the actual nameserver ip's I was given.

I then restarted the computer and tried to ping my
gateway address (that worked).  I could not however
ping my dns ip's (network unreachable), nor get to the
debian site when I ran apt-get.  Any ideas?

I will also need to install a second network card,
recompile the kernel to support ipmasq, and set the IP
on the second card to a local lan address so I can
firewall the net to another computer (actually I am
building a second computer to just handle the firewall
stuff and my linux workstation will be on of three
computers on the local lan, the other two running
windows).  Any ideas on what to do here?


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