John Hasler said:

>Brian Clark writes:
>> I have my resolv.conf entries in tact and I have my network settings set
>> up properly.
>Do you have a default route pointing to eth0?  If so, remove it.
>> I can ping myself, of course, but I can't reach the outside world.
>Can you get anywhere using IP numbers?
>> The line referring to `eth0 for proxy arp' looks like the problem,...
>It isn't.

Eric G . Miller said:

>You probably don't need proxy arp for anything, so comment out the
>proxyarp line in /etc/ppp/options. But, I'd suspect the default route
>might not be set to ppp0, but instead to eth0 -- check it with ifconfig.
>AFAIK, proxyarp is only necessary for when your machine is accepting

Yes, I checked it with ifconfig and the first listing is eth0, then local loopback, then ppp0. This is embarrassing, but how do I temporarily change that? (I CC'd the list so maybe this would help someone else one day.)

I checked /etc/ppp/options and all of my chatscripts but didn't see anything allowing me to specify anything.

I want to be able to change this back when I plug into the LAN, of course.



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