On Mon, Mar 27, 2000 at 02:25:36PM +0200, Lepus wrote:
> I have installed Realplayer 7 on my Linux box, running Potato with ALSA
 am using woody with oss and i noticed this problem too, interestingly the
 realplayer doesn't work when i change the preferences.... i tryed first esd
 with no succes and the warning that another device is accessing the audio
 device and the oss which resultet in very slow motion with videos...

 so me too i would be interested in the causes and a possible fix, since it is
 quite annoying to have to stop and restart esd...

ciao bboett
http://inforezo.u-strasbg.fr/~bboett http://erm1.u-strasbg.fr/~bboett
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