On Sun, Mar 26, 2000 at 07:43:55PM -0500, Dave Linsalata wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm a newbie to linux and have a quick question about installing
> debian.  The installation manual for intel says that if you have a linux
> system running already (I have Mandrake), then you can update from that
> system and just over-write it with debian.  BUT, it says "do not do the
> install from the partition you are going to be installing onto".

They are stating the incredibly obvious.  You are going to format these
partitions, and so you can't put the installation medium on them if you
are going to format them.

> Unfortunately, I only have a /boot (100 meg), a swap (100 meg), and a
> / (3 gigs).  Is it possible to do the install from linux or do I have
> to use windows? (plz plz plz say it is possible...installing linux
> from win2k is a bitch and a half...)

Do you have a Debian CD? If so, then that is your medium, and you re-use
your existing partitions.  If you ftp'ed down a bunch of files, then you
will need to put them on a CD, a FAT partition, or an linux partition
that isn't going to be wiped.  Does that make sense?

There are also ftp, apt-get, and floppy installs, but that is another


Thank you,
Joe Bouchard

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