Did you check the MTU setting?
For ethernet compatibility it needs to be 1500.

Good luck,


At 01:25 PM 3/29/00 -0600, Rick Hayter wrote:
>> I'm looking for some troubleshooting help.
>> Slink is working like a champ in all aspects but ppp connection speed.
>> Actually, I connect at high speeds, but my sustained throughput runs from
>> only 200-400 bps!  When first downloading, I get a burst of speed, but in
>> seconds all activity seems to stop.... then another short
>> transfer burst...
>> then another pause... etc. (I am using an external modem that
>> works fine in
>> windoze98). Am I looking at a buffer overflow or handshake problem? What
>> should I do to help diagnose this? Thanks!
>Me, again... this is still unsolved. I've tried the two solutions offered:
>       1. echo 0 >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_timestamps
>       2. try turning off all compression by ppp
>Neither one helped (though by turning off compression my throughput MAY have
>gone up to 500-600 bps.)
>I've attached my ppp.log and debug.log for any kind sole that wants to dive
>in! :-)
>- Rick
>Attachment Converted: "c:\home\onno\email\attach\PPP.LOG"
>Attachment Converted: "c:\home\onno\email\attach\DEBUG.log"

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