On Wed, 29 Mar 2000 08:51:21 -0700, Cameron Matheson wrote

> Hey,
> I can't mount my syquest ezflyer zip-type drive.  The kernel detects it,
> but when I try to mount it, it gives me an error that says "wrong fs
> type, bad superblock, or too many mounted filesystems."  I trying to
> mount it as vfat or msdos.  The disk works fine in windows, and it spins
> up in Linux, it just won't mount, because it says "Can not find a valid
> MSDOS partition."

>From Windows, SyQuest Cartidges can be used in two different ways:

1. with just a filesystem on them, like a floppy disk.

2. with a partition table and one or more partitions carrying filesystems

It seems your cartridge uses method 1. This means you have to mount
/dev/sda (or whatever dev the EZ230 is in your system) not /dev/sda1.
If this doesn't work, your Linux SCSI driver doesn't like method 1 (mine
doesn't either -- I couldn't even use Linux fdisk on the drive). I
resolved this by booting into Windoze, enabling "int 13 drive" for the
SyQuest in the device man-ager (and reboot :), then fdisk the cartridge
unter Wind-OS (usually create one large partition, and I think reboot :)
the format that.


Bjoern brill
Bj"orn Brill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Frankfurt am Main, Germany

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