On 31-Mar-2000 21:57:04 Hilary Hertzoff wrote:
> I've looked in through the documentation until my eyes blurred and I
> haven't been able to find the answers to these rather basic questions.
> 1. Is there a way to exit X without halting the computer?  The methods
> I've tried have either shut down the computer correctly or brought me back
> to the X login prompts. 

Your window manager probably has an exit menu, but you can also use the key
combination Ctrl-Alt-Backspace to leave X.

> 3. When I find the file how do I install it?  It's in .tar.gz format
> rather than .deb and the explanations I've found are a bit confusing and
> assume a little more Linux knowledge than I've acquired yet (three weeks
> and counting)...

tar xvfz filename.tar.gz

then cd to the top level directory where you will find a README or INSTALL
file which explains how to install.  Usually it goes something like this:

make install  (this step as root)


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