I'd mostly call myself a "regular user" -- although I do have a web server
installed on my laptop it doesn't broadcast to the world...it's just me
the couch and the tv and occassionally the cat. I choose not to worry 
about things like security and
the latest and greatest versions of things (although I am running unstable).

I've found my current disk set up to be quite satisfactory until today
when I couldn't pick up mail. /var had run out of space. /var/share is 
new as of tonight to deal with an otherwise quite usable disk
configuration. I believe I came up with these
numbers from a Red Hat book, although many people have included their disk
partition sizes on their web sites. I know only of the linux laptop site,
but many of the people who've contributed info have included disk
partition information: http://www.linux-laptop.net/

Here's mine:
emmajane@debian:~$ df -h (-h = human readable sizes)
Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/hda2             464M   28M  412M   7% /
/dev/hda3             4.6G  2.1G  2.4G  47% /home
/dev/hda5             2.3G  1.3G  901M  60% /usr
/dev/hda6             464M  108M  333M  25% /var
/dev/hda7             2.8G   46M  2.6G   2% /usr/local
/dev/hda9              46M   13M   31M  30% /tmp
/dev/hda10            2.3G  334M  1.9G  15% /var/cache

/dev/hda1 is a windows partition that's barely big enough to hold Windows
2000 and a couple pieces of software. It's there in case of very desperate
times (like when I need to use a modem). When I first installed debian I
was actually replacing a RedHat installation. All the partitions were
reformatted (and possibly resized) EXCEPT for /home. I also left about 6Gb
free (unformatted). This has been a total god-send. For example: I didn't
realize that /var/cache/apt/archives would hold a copy of all my install
files for software. On RedHat /usr/local needs to be huge (I'm anti-rpm
and did everything from scratch), on debian with .debs it's different.

So today I filled up /var. Based on some great advice that got here I
decided to find the largest subdirectory and make a new partition just for
that directory. This freed up a good chunk of space (75% of the partition)
to be shared in the other sub-directories. A number of people recommended
cleaning out /var...464M isn't a lot to begin with. I have virtually no
logs and no mail. As you can see, there wasn't a lot to clean out:

debian:/home/emmajane# du --max-depth=1 -h /var
12K     /var/lost+found
75M     /var/lib
334M    /var/cache
2.8M    /var/backups
1.0K    /var/local
1.0K    /var/lock
21M     /var/log
40K     /var/run
9.9M    /var/spool
10K     /var/tmp
1.0K    /var/opt
1.0K    /var/mail
10K     /var/www
441M    /var

(Note that the size of /var/cache is approximately the same size as
/dev/hda10 from above? This is because I moved /var/cache into that
partition but du reads it as if it were all the same...I think.)

This is how I put some of my unformatted space to good use. I believe I've
remembered all of the steps. Hopefully someone will correct me if I've got
glaring errors.

du --max-depth=1 -h /dir_in_question
        find the largest directory and replace it with a new
apt-get install parted
        program to make partitions with

tar -cvf /home/emmajane/var.tar /var
        backup whatever directory you're about to manipulate. In my case
        backup all your data and config files to CD (or external drive)

mkfs.ext2 /dev/hda10
        create an ext2 partition named whatever the next partition would
        be in your sequence. You can do this in "parted" but I
        didn't understand how.

vi /etc/fstab
        copy pasted the partition information for /var and created:
/dev/hda10      /var/cache      ext2    defaults  0  2
        I don't really understand what all the numbers mean, but I do
        understand you need this for the partition to be mounted when you
        boot your computer

e2label /dev/hda10 /var/share
        I'm not sure this was required, but it was part of the
        instructions in:

cp /var/cache /var/cache2
        extra backups never hurt
        at this point we're just looking. type:
        This will show you all your partitions. Mine looks like this:
Using /dev/hda
Information: The operating system thinks the geometry on
/dev/hda is      
3648/255/63.  Therefore, cylinder 1024 ends at 8032.499M.
(parted) print                                                            
Disk geometry for /dev/hda: 0.000-28615.781 megabytes
Disk label type: msdos
Minor    Start       End     Type      Filesystem  Flags
1          0.031   2000.280  primary   ntfs        boot
2       2000.281   2478.779  primary   ext2        
3       2478.779   7248.076  primary   ext2        
4       7248.076  20175.380  extended              
5       7248.107   9632.724  logical   ext2        
6       9632.755  10111.223  logical   ext2        
7      10111.254  12974.370  logical   ext2        
8      12974.401  13452.868  logical   linux-swap  
9      13452.899  13499.934  logical   ext2        
10     13499.965  20175.380  logical   ext2
        That was fun. Now type "quit" and take a deep breath.
        Good. Let's continue.
parted /dev/hda10
        starts the program "parted" and tells it to use the
        /dev/hda10 partition which is currently unformatted
        Type "print" and notice the output is different. The minor
        number is different and the Start and End bits are
        different. That's ok! Mine looks like this:

Using /dev/hda10
(parted) print                                                            
Disk geometry for /dev/hda10: 0.000-6675.416 megabytes
Disk label type: loop
Minor    Start       End     Filesystem  Flags
1          0.000   6675.416  ext2 

I'm not convinced this next step worked; however, the partition
        is the right size under df -h, so who am I to argue? Find a
        partition that is the approximate size you'd like to have.
        Subtract the "end" from the "start" to get the total number of
        whatever those things are...cyclinders? Locations? Who knows. Get
        the number. Then type:
resize 1 0.000 whateverthenumberis
resize minor# start end
        I have a feeling I forgot to write down a step in here. Let me
        know if you know what it is....

        If you haven't done all the backups requested at the very
        beginning, do them now. I can wait.
rm -Rf /path/to/new/partition (e.g. /var/cache)
        Check to make sure the dir is empty!
mount /path/to/new/partition
        copy /path/to/new/partition2 back into /path/to/new/partition
        delete the backup. You've got another copy of this in a tar file
        if you need it.
        When you mount a partition on top of a directory with files it
        "hides" the files, but doesn't replace them. This basically means
        you've got double the files in that one directory but one copy is
        hidden from you. Check df -h to see that your original top level
        dir now contains fewer files. If it's at the same size then you
        haven't done something correctly.
I used the following resources:
(There are four or five pages there which you'll want to read. Just use
the next button until you get to the beginning of the next section.)

Hopefully this was helpful for someone. :)


Emma Jane Hogbin
[[ 416 417 2868 ][ www.xtrinsic.com ]]

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