On 4/6/2000, 7:31:18 PM, Chanop Silpa-Anan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Once upon a time, I heard Viktor Rosenfeld say

> > I recently switched my working environment from Windows to Debian only
> > and I've been using Netscape Mail so far.  And I *hate* it!

>   Me too, it's too slow!

:} Tried 6?

Anyway... there are about a zillion of them... Gnus is wonderful, 
Postillion is great, there's a command line thing which I've forgotten 
the name {initials} of which you could probably set up to do anything 
you want, TKRat's pretty nice... 

If you really can't find anything you like go to freshmeat.net and go 
through their listings...

If that still doesn't work... there's always the code to tkmail.

This {staroffice} isn't too bad... seeing as it's integrated into the 
office package you've got a lot of capabilities at your fingertips... 
and... 5.2's up now.

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