Bart Friederichs wrote:
> > I don't remember exactly what I did to get mine going, but I did wind up
> having to
> > use minicom to figure out what was happening. Then I think I had to make
> an entry in
> > pap-secrets for freewwweb (I can't currently access that box to look
> around at the
> > moment, so I'm having to do this by (poor) memory).
> Thanks, but I don't know minicom that good to use PAP scripts. I cannot just
> let it call the number, and I get a login screen, but that rejects
> everything I try. pap-secrets has an entry in it for freewwweb, but still it
> doesn't work.
> Bart
> PS
> i am considering paid internet. maybe they can connect me ....

I'm not sure I was clear; I used minicom to make sure I was getting a
login prompt and that the username/password I had actually passed that
stage. Then I shut down minicom, and armed with the info that it's
possible to get past the login, started wrestling again with
pon/wvdial/xisp until I got them working.

Just fire up minicom, then type ATDT<phonenumber>; when asked for a
username, enter [EMAIL PROTECTED] (or whatever it is), then enter your
password when prompted. If you get access, shut down minicom (Alt-X-Q
maybe? I always forget and have to look in the help screen). Now you
know that your username/password works, and you can try wvdial or
pppconfig/pon, etc again.

Notice that the username includes the "" part; is that
insane or what?! I never could get fetchmail to work with the resultant
address of "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" or any other combination I
could think of. I mean, I don't mean to complain, but having a
_username_ include the "@..." part is just STUPID. With a capitol STUPID
on that STUPID.

Whew! That rant was refreshing.

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