On Mon, Apr 10, 2000 at 02:14:52AM +0200, Armin Wegner wrote:
> Most web sites are designed for Microsoft. To see them like the author would
> like you to see them use Windows fonts. So, install the true type font server
> and copy the Windows true type fonts to the appropriet directory.
> That's fine.

While this helps, it doesn't address all issues, particularly WRT font
sizing.  Many websites render fonts which are simply too small to be
easily read under NS/Linux.

To fix this, and some related Netscape brain damage, create a file
/etc/X11/Xresources/netscape, with the following lines:

    # Restrict the range of size increments allowed by <font size=n>
    # directives to 
    # the range 80% - 120% rather than 50% - 210%.  Default increment is 20.
    # KMSelf Wed Dec 29 15:47:57 PST 1999
    Netscape*documentFonts.sizeIncrement:   05

    # Clean up the fscking toolbar
    Netscape*toolBar.search.isEnabled: false
    Netscape*toolBar.destinations.isEnabled: false
    Netscape*toolBar.myshopping.isEnabled: false
    Netscape*toolBar.viewSecurity.isEnabled: false
    Netscape*toolBar.print.isEnabled: true
    Netscape*toolBar.home.isEnabled: true

    # And some other brain damage
    Netscape*useStdoutDialog: false
    Netscape*useStderrDialog: false
    Netscape*noAboutSplash: true

    # Fonts -- dialogs and such
    Netscape*attachmentProps*XmLabelGadget.fontList: fixed
    Netscape*AddressBook*mainform.fontList:          fixed 
    Netscape*XmLGrid*fontList:                       fixed
    Netscape*attachItemLabel*fontList:               fixed
    Netscape*prefs*fontList:                         fixed
    Netscape*statusBar*fontList:                     fixed

    # Document fonts -- scaling doesn't appear to take effect w/ TTF fonts
    Netscape*documentFonts.defaultFont*iso-8859-1.fixed: -ttf-courier

...the file is modified from /usr/lib/netscape/461/netscape/Netscape.ad

Karsten M. Self (kmself@ix.netcom.com)
    What part of "Gestalt" don't you understand?

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