> interesting :) and have trouble deciding on a video card.
> I thought 3dfx was supposed to be a good choice (looking
> at the 3000), as was Matrox (the G400).

I would go foor 3dfx and Matrox based cards, when comes 
need to buy new videocard.

3dfx has good base, they have released specs, and have 
open source drivers.

I don\'t remember Matrox\'s case, at least they have very 
good drivers.

> NVidia (sp?) was mentioned as a possibility, but I 
> didn\'t know it was supported well.

When 3dfx established very good bug-tracking system, 
NVidia suddenly announced to release drivers to Linux too. 
But their drivers are binary only (not optimised, barely
working. Decent 2D but 3D sucks), and looks like they 
don\'t have interest of Linux users any more. So don\'t expect 
NVidia cards work with future X or kernel.

My answer: If NVidia pretends Linux doesn\'t exist, then I
pretend NVidia doesn\'t exist. Fair trade, I think.

... Just my impressions from this list ... and from

Jarkko Niemi

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