On Mon, Apr 10, 2000 at 08:09:24PM -0400, Sandy Shapiro wrote:
> >  cat /proc/net/route
> Here it is:
> Dest       Gateway Flags RefCnt  Use Metric Mask      MTU  Window  IRTT
> 42006E89 00000000 0005    0         0      0    FFFFFFFF  0        0       
> ppp0 00000000 42006E89 0003    0         0      0    00000000    0       
> 0       ppp0
> Does this help?

Well it looks (to my inexperienced eyes) like your default route
is set up ok.  That is , ppp0's destination is 00000000 and your flags
for the default route are the same as mine (I don't know what the
flags mean though but this looks good).

Can you ping your nameserver by number?  check in your /etc/resolv.conf
file for "nameserver aa.bb.cc.dd" entries.  Ie, dump the file to
screen like so:

cat /etc/resolv.conf

then try to ping those aa.bb.cc.dd numbers like so:

ping aa.bb.cc.dd

and see if ping is able to get through.

Either way, if it does or doesn't get through, you've passed
my level of expertise, and someone else will have to take it
from here.  But you might want to check the contents of
certain files in your /etc directory:
  host.conf             *  important for networking
  resolv.conf           *  important for networking

(Again, I'm not an expert on the contents of these files, but if
you don't understand something try to look it up in the man
pages, or in /usr/doc or /usr/doc/HOWTO.  If you don't find
it there, ask the list.  I'm sure someone on the list will happily
point you to the right manual or documentation!)

and look for error messages or warnings related to networking
in the following files in /var/log:


Good luck.


> >On Mon, Apr 10, 2000 at 02:43:27PM -0400, Sandy Shapiro wrote: > I
> >installed Debian (Slink) on another computer, and I think I may have >
> >missed something in setting up the ppp connection.
> >> 
> >> I can dial out, connect to, and log on to my ISP. But when I try to ping a
> >> site, I get the error message: unknown host. When I use Mozilla, it says:
> >> Unable to locate the server.
> >> 
> >> Ifconfig says that ppp is running.
> >> Wvdial says ppp negotiation detected; starting pppd.
> >> 
> >> Everything seem to be working except I can't communicate with the ISP.
> >> 
> >> Is there something I can edit to fix this?
> >> 
> >> Is more information needed?
> >---end quoted text---

> Thanks,
> Sandy
> >(as running "route" to see the list of routes is futile, or at least very
> >time-consuming).
> >If the last entry is not ppp0, try the following commands
> >route del default eth0 (or whatever the device is on that last line)
> >route add default ppp0
> >HTH
---end quoted text---

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