On Tue, Apr 11, 2000 at 07:09:56PM +0200, Kent Nyberg wrote:
> Is there a program to check how long one have been on ppp ?
> I used a program in windows to check how long i have been on internet.. so
> that i do not get to expensive bills :)
> So i would like one for linux :)
> I know its enough to check the /var/logs/ppp...
> But its not that funny :(

If you're using gnome, there is an applet called "Modem Lights",
which, if you select "Show connect time & throughput", shows you
if the connection is active, a graph of sent/received activity,
the current bytes/sec rate, the connect time in hours and minutes
and the state of the RD and TD lights in about 1 square inch of
screen real estate.  "... smokin' !"


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