On Wed, Apr 12, 2000 at 10:53:52AM -0300, Jeronimo Pellegrini wrote:
> kernel, I noticed that there's something different: I can't configure
> the SoundBlaster parameters anymore. All I can do is to enable or
> disable support from it.
> It seems that the problem is exactly with those parameters that I
> couldn't configure... I've read the kernel Changes file, but it says
> nothing about this. Does anyone know what I can do to get the sound
> card working with this kernel?

You need to either pass the parameters from the "command line" (either
with an append="sound..." in /etc/lilo.conf or at the actual LILO
command line) or you need to make your sound a module.  I have this in
my /etc/modules :

cs4232 io=0x530 irq=11 dma=0 dma2=3

You obviously need to change things to reflect your own setup, but that
should be a good guide. 

Good luck,
Chris Gray

pick, pack, pock, puck: like drops of water in a fountain falling
softly in the brimming bowl.

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