Mike Rayle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am planning on getting a cable modem or DSL hooked up soon and am
> looking to setup a firewall (IP masq) for that connection [but] 
> I am having trouble getting Debian to install on my old 486-33.
> I have a Sony cdu31a attached to an ISA SoundBlaster MultiCD sound card.

Do you have that studd only for the purpose to install Linux? In that case you 
can think about installing LPR (Linux Router Project. That's what I did when
I installed a firewall on an old 486 computer (33 Mhz, 8 MB) in order to 
to a cable modem. 

With LRP you create a complete Linux OS on a single floppy disk, that installs
itself on a ram disk in memory. There is a howto that explains how to make a 
firewall with IP masquerading. In my place this thing has been running for a 
month without problem. Look at www.linuxrouter.org.


Paul Huygen

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