> Peter Solinsky wrote:
> > 
> > I have a boca-research modem which is PNP compatable but debian can't
> > detect it.  Do I need to manually set the jumpers for and open COM and IRQ
> > for it to be recognized?
> > 

You may try to set it manually if you wish. 
Another possibility is the isapnptools package.

        --  Shaul Karl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

[00:41:32 /tmp]$ zgrep -A15 Introduction 
/usr/share/doc/autoconf/autoconf.html.gz | tail -n12
A physicist, an engineer, and a computer scientist were
discussing the nature of God.  Surely a Physicist, said the
physicist, because early in the Creation, God made Light; and you
know, Maxwell's equations, the dual nature of electro-magnetic
waves, the relativist consequences... An Engineer!, said the
engineer, because before making Light, God split the Chaos into
Land and Water; it takes a hell of an engineer to handle that big
amount of mud, and orderly separation of solids from
liquids... The computer scientist shouted: And the Chaos,
where do you think it was coming from, hmm?

[00:41:36 /tmp]$ 

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