On Thu, Apr 20, 2000 at 11:55:16AM -0400, Maury Merkin wrote:
> Hi,

> But I'm only new to Debian.  I've been using Linux since late 1994.
> Started with Slackware and somewhere along the way switched to RH.

There was much rejoicing...

> Anyway, I installed Debian (potato) this am and all went pretty well.
> Except:
> [1]  My user (i.e. not "root") does not have permission to start X.  I
> have no idea which file(s) is/are actually forbidden to me and, before I
> start groping around and resetting permissions helter skelter, I was
> wondering if anyone here might tell me the canonical way to do this
> under Debian.


Defaults -- you can usually start X from console but not from a running X
session.  This is a Good Thing in a networked environment.

> [2]  Somewhere along in the installation process, I was confronted with
> a series of questions regarding something called "Zope" (I think it
> was).  I have no idea what Zope is or does.  And I simply left all of
> the fields (having to do with log-on and passwords and such) blank.
> Please, someone tell me where to find information about Zope, such as:
> what is it?  where do I go back now and (re-)configure it properly (if
> necessary).


It's a Python-based web application server.  Technocrat.net
(http://www.technocrat.net/) is built using it.

> [3]  What command will I use to dial-in to my ISP?  Ditto for hang up?
> How do I set it up so that my user (again, not "root") can dial and
> disconnect?


Karsten M. Self <kmself@ix.netcom.com>           http:/www.netcom.com/~kmself
    What part of "Gestalt" don't you understand?
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