Hi all,

I've been playing with DOSEMU a while back, but I never really
configured or used it.  Well, now my dad asked me to add some
functionality to an old Borland Pascal program he uses in his lab. 
(He's a physicists.)  Since it's going to be used under DOS and won't
run under NT (accesses the parallel port directly), I had to go back to
Win95 for testing and debugging it.

As you might have guessed, I am sick and tired of having Win95 crashing
all over me again and again.  That's the reason I switched to NT and
then to Debian!

So, I wonder, if I could use DOSEMU for debugging it?

It doesn't do anything fancy with the hardware, but reading from a CCD
camera attached on a parallel port.  Dunno, why Win95 is even crashing
at all, maybe it's Borland Pascal.

However, since DOSEMU uses custom kernel modules, couldn't a crash
inside DOSEMU take down my precious Linux box, too?

MfG Viktor
Viktor Rosenfeld
E-Mail:         mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
HertzSCHLAG:    http://www.informatik.hu-berlin.de/~rosenfel/hs/

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