"Brenda J. Butler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>On Thu, Apr 13, 2000 at 10:54:17AM +0200, Ron Rademaker wrote:
>> Why do you want the source packages? For almost evry package you can find
>> a .deb, which is a lot esier then compiling.
>I'm a programmer.  I compile for fun :-)
>I've already installed from .deb; I wanted to look at the
>source code for these packages.

I didn't see your original message, but if you don't know about it
already you'll appreciate 'apt-get source <package-name>'.

>> I put my source code (only kernels actually) in /usr/src
>---end quoted text---
>Thanks - it's always nice to see how other programmers do things.

FWIW, I used to use /usr/src for everything (it's actually a symlink
into my /home partition for disk space and filesystem flags reasons),
but I now only do that if I intend to leave the source unpacked and
world-readable as a service to other users on my system; these days I
tend to do such things in ~/src, and Debian packages I'm creating myself
go in ~/src/debian. It's completely up to you, though.

>I'm a big believer in peer reviews, looking at other people's
>code and having them look at mine.  You don't learn much by
>just looking at your own code all the time.

Yeah, I agree completely. Also, since the source code's available, you
have the perfect opportunity to do the legwork of fixing bugs that are
annoying you yourself, rather than waiting for the maintainer to do it!

Colin Watson                                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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