this is probably a simple fix for anyone who's memorized the
SAMBA manpages...

according to doc/samba/DIAGNOSIS* --

>In all of the tests I assume you have a Samba server called BIGSERVER
>and a PC called ACLIENT.

meaning the name of the linux workstation, according to whom?
-- smb.conf calls it "workgroup = fileOmatic"
-- smb.conf "server string = linuxSamba"
-- according to dns, it's "linus".

not knowing exactly which to use for 'server called XXX' i tried all
three. (this will be sooo cool when it works! aaugh!)

"linus" worked best.

# testparm
Load smb config files from /etc/samba/smb.conf
Processing section "[homes]"
Processing section "[tmp]"
Processing section "[public]"
Loaded services file OK.
        workgroup = fileOmatic
        server string = linuxSamba
        hosts deny = ALL
        hosts allow = 192.168.1. 127.
        log file = /usr/local/samba/var/log.%m
        max log size = 50
        security = user
        socket options = TCP_NODELAY
        comment = Home Directories
        read only = No
        browseable = No
        guest ok = No
        comment = Temporary file space
        path = /tmp
        read only = No
        guest ok = No
        comment = Public Stuff
        path = /home/samba
        write list = @staff
        read only = No
        guest ok = No

ping works fine, both ways (client to server, server to client).

$ smbclient -L linus
load_client_codepage: filename /etc/samba/codepages/codepage.850 does
not exist.
added interface ip= bcast= nmask=
added interface ip= bcast= nmask=
session setup failed: ERRSRV - ERRbadpw (Bad password - name/password
pair in a Tree Connect or Session Setup are invalid.)

same happens for IP numbers ( or
i.e.            $ smbclient -L
                $ smbclient -L

as 'DIAGNOSIS' suggests, i double-check 'hosts' and '*valid users'
in smb.conf:
        hosts deny = ALL
        hosts allow = 192.168.1.  127.
there is no (uncommented) 'users' directive.

i'm stuck.

# ls -la /etc/samba/codepages/
total 2
drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root         1024 Mar  1 08:48 .
drwxr-xr-x    3 root     root         1024 Apr 27 14:56 ..

and just to be certain, i re-set my 'smbpasswd' several times
so i know i've hit it right at least once.  :)

1) how do i munge a codepage 850? or do i need to?

2) how can i keep it from adding interface

3) what's a tree connect and how do i prune it--or do i need to?

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