If you check out http://kde.tdyc.com you will find all the information you need 
to get kde working
on debian. Worked great for me, I'm using woody. They have packages for
slink too. You can also find lines for /etc/apt/sources.list

you will also want to use the following line to change the window manager
/usr/sbin/update-alternatives --config x-window-manager

choose /usr/bin/kde, and all is good.

Hope this helps,

On Sat, Apr 29, 2000 at 11:47:13AM +0000, Steve White wrote:
> Greetings,
> I have been trying most of the morning to obtain the KDE distribution
> from ftp.linuxberg.com and have thus far been unsuccessful. I am using
> apt in dselect and cannot seem to find the right combination of strings
> to enter so that it can find the package file.
> When prompted, I am providing a path to the package file ending in a /.
> (i.e. /pub/KDE/stable/distribution/deb/slink/.), which contains a
> packages.gz file and all the appropriate .deb files. However, dselect
> continues to prompt for the "components to get", providing "main contrib
> non-free" as examples, but there is no such directory structure.
> How then do I force apt to look at the Packages.gz file and download the
> appropriate .deb files knowing where on an ftp site these files reside?
> (It seems to me that apt is assuming a very specific underlying
> directory structure and I cannot figure out how to circumvent this
> assumption).
> Best Regards,
> Steve
> -- 
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